A user wants to use the ERP LE-Delivery Number as the Outbound Delivery Order number in a decentralized EWM system.
The user has set the flag "ERP Ref No is Doc NO" for the corresponding document type and document category in the Customizing "Define Document Types for Outbound Delivery Process", but when a new outbound delivery is replicated from ERP to EWM, the EWM ODO number is not the same as the ECC outbound delivery number.
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Interfaces (SCM-EWM-IF)
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Delivery Processing (SCM-EWM-DLP)
SAP S/4HANA 1909
LE-delivery number as ODO, Reuse LE-delivery number, use outbound delivery number as EWM ODO number
, KBA , SCM-EWM-DLP-BF-CRN , Create/Activate/Reject Requests/Notifications , Problem
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