Planned substitution rule (valid from current date) disappears from My Inbox Fiori application when creating unplanned substitution with the same substitute user.
- Task Gateway
- Gateway Business Workflow Enablement
- SAP Business Workflow
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4HANA
- ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP
- SAP Gateway
- My Inbox Fiori application
SAP_GWFND, IW_PGW, /IWPGW/TGW, /IWWRK/WORKFLOW, IW_BEP, TASKPROCESSING, SWF_WORKFLOW, LRHW2F04, SAPLRHW2, INSERT_HRUS_D2, SAP_WAPI_SUBSTITUTE_MAINTAIN, INSERT_SUBSTITUTE, RH_SUBSTITUTION_MAINTAIN, SELECT * FROM hrus_d2 INTO TABLE del_hrus_d2, DELETE hrus_d2 FROM TABLE del_hrus_d2, INSERT hrus_d2 FROM TABLE ins_hrus_d2, IF del_hrus_d2-endda > act_endda, IF del_hrus_d2-begda < act_begda, active substitution, passive substitution, unplanned substitution overwrites planned substitution, TGW_STD , KBA , OPU-BSC-TGW , Task Gateway , BC-BMT-WFM , Business Workflow , BC-BMT-OM , Organizational Management , CA-INB-FIO , Fiori UI for My Inbox Application , Problem
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