When upgrading SAP HANA Components using Lifecycle manager, the following error is seen:
Registering SAP HANA AFL (incl.PAL,BFL,OFL) binaries in Local Secure Store failed!
In hdblcm.log, we can see:
INFO: Output line 16: Ignoring LST file '<path_XXX>/DATA_UNITS/HDB_AFL_LINUX_X86_64/packages/AFL.TGZ.lst'. Hash of LST file not found in SMF file '<path_XXX>/DATA_UNITS/HDB_AFL_LINUX_X86_64/SIGNATURE.SMF'
INFO: Output line 17:
INFO: Output line 18: ERROR: No hashes found in given path; $condition$=newHashes.size() > 0
SAP HANA DB Version 2.0
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
AFL, LCM, HANA, Signature.SMF , KBA , HAN-LM-UPG-DB , Upgrade of HANA Database , Problem
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