Q1: Are there any limitations for the app Manage Allocations (F3338)?
Q2: In ERP, the KO02 transaction has the option "Create Completed Asset" to create the final asset. However, in Fiori App "Manage Internal Orders F1604" why are we unable to see the option "Create Completed Asset".?
Q3: Usage of Excel upload functionality explained for the Manage Allocations (F3338) app.
Q4: Unable to activate app F1720 (Controlling Document (S/4HANA))
Q5: How do I change the analysis currency in the Internal Orders-Plan/Actual (F0948A) app or the Cost Centers-Plan/Actual(F0949) app?
Q6: In the Manage Allocations (F3338) app, the'allocation context' dropdown field is blank, due to which new cycles cannot be created.
Q7: Cost center budget report (F3871) app does not display plan amount in the output.
Q8: BPC apps such as Cost center actuals, profit center actuals does not display G/L account hierarchy created via Manage Global Accounting Hierarchies (F2918).
Q9: How-to display SKF Plan data uploaded via app F3779 - Import Statistical Key figures Plan data?
Q10: During 'Check Financial Plan Data' in F1711 app displays, 'Navigation to report is not possible, please contact SAP'.
Q11: Unable to copy actual data using Copy Financial Plan data app F3396.
Q12: How to revert changes in FCOM_MET tool?
Q13: Unable to create Allocation cycle via Manage Allocations App (F3338) for the Extension ledgers.
Q14: F3338 Manage allocations: Fixed amounts option is missing in the receiver rules.
Q15: F3338 Manage allocations: Missing Variable portion of the actual and plan activity type in the receiver rule of the variable portions
Q16: F4074 Delete Financial Plan data with time stamp selects random data for deletion with multiple timestamp.
Q17: F3338 Manage Allocations: The field "Journal Entry type" is missing for cost center allocation type.
Q18: F3338 Manage Allocations: Background jobs?
Q19: F3338 Manage Allocations: Intercompany allocation?
Q20: Master data locks / Status checks not performed while uploading values in Import Financial Plan Data App.
Q21: F1711: Import Financial plan data CSV file has no Version VRSN field to upload the plan data.
Q22: F0963: You want to use Cost center groups as a selection parameter in the Cost Center Actuals app.
Q23: F1581 Plan Cost Centers - On Periods: The app displays actuals for Fiscal Year - 1, is it possible to change the same to current fiscal year?
Q24: You have hidden a controlling area for F4 Helps in OKKP, but in fiori apps (for example F1604A) the value is still displayed.
Q25: How to use plan values as sender values during cost allocation in F3338?
- CO Controlling
- SAP Fiori
- S/4HANA Finance
- S/4HANA 1709
- S/4HANA 1809
- S/4HANA 1909
- S/4HANA 2020
- S/4HANA 2021
- S/4HANA 2022
- S/4HANA 2023
SAP Fiori, on-premise, Manage Allocations, Universal Allocations, F3338, Cost center, Internal Order, Projects, G/L account, Senders, Receivers, Manage Internal Order, F1022, Asset, Completed Asset, AuC, Cost center budget report, F3871, FINSC_FISC_DATE, FINSC_PERIOD, OB_FCAL, FINS_GENERATE_FISCAL_PERIOD, Plan amount, Company code, G/L account hierarchy, hierarchies, Manage global account hierarchy, MGAH, set class, Custom Analytical query, F3779, SKF, FINSSKF, I_FinStatisticalKeyFigureItem, Navigation to report, Check Financial Plan data, F1711, F3396, F1581, Copy Financial Plan data, Actual data, Plan data, ACDOCA, ACDOCP, Plan cost center on periods, RSPLAN, Extension Ledgers, F4074, Delete Financial plan data with time stamp, Variable portion, Fixed amounts, receiver rules, Journal entry type, cost center allocation, schedule background job, S_ALR_87013645, Plan values sender, Cost center goups, 2CCFICOSTCTRQ2001, F0963, OKKP, Hidden controlling area, Overhead Allocation , KBA , CO-FIO , Fiori UI for Overhead Cost Controlling , CO-FIO-OM-PL , Planning , CO-FIO-ACT , Actual Costing , CO-FIO-OPA , Overhead Orders , CO-FIO-BPC-IS , Reporting , CO-FIO-CCA-TRA , Transactions , CO-FIO-CCA , Cost Center Accounting , CA-GTF-FXU-FI-CO , Fiori FXU Cost Controlling CO-FIO , How To
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