Upgrade using Software Update Manager (SUM) stops in MOD_SELROADMAP/SUMCHK_EXTBUILD phase or any other phase with below error's:
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Environment variable 'dbms_type' does not exist
1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "SUMCHK_EXTBUILD" aborted with severe errors ("20200612023423")
The command 'SAPuptool' from tool 'SAPuptool' could not be executed successfully
Upgrade phase "TOOLCHECKXML_DBCLI_2ND" aborted with severe errors
Cannot locate 'hdbuserstore' in path '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin''
Error: the command 'disp+work' from tool 'disp+work' could not be executed.
- The Environment variables are correctly maintained for <sid>adm and you can see the same when you run "env" command, however, the SUM tool is unable to read them. This can be checked in the SUM log file ENVDUMP.LOG. If correct environment variables are seen when "env" command is run but not in ENVDUMP.log or ENVDUMP.SAV file in <SUM>/abap/log directory, it means that SUM is unable to get the environment variables correctly.
Manually running the command "/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec -userenv <SID>ADM" reports the error :
"found by SU but not in SHELL: dbms_type=HDB"
- Software Update Manager (SUM)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0
SUMCHK_EXTBUILD, Environment variable, dbms_type, TOOLCHECKXML_DBCLI_2ND, SAPuptool, The command 'SAPuptool' from tool 'SAPuptool' could not be executed successfully, Cannot locate 'hdbuserstore' in path '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin'', the command 'disp+work' from tool 'disp+work' could not be execute , Cannot locate 'hdbuserstore', SAPuptool, SUM, Software Update Manager, Redhat, 1714267, RHEL 8.0, hostagent, hdbuserstore
, KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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