Mass update of selected opportunities are done by selecting multiple rows of opportunities from the list of opportunities. You try to mass update one owner to another for opportunities, however witness an error "Save Failed".
SAP Cloud For Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Sales Work Center.
- Go to Opportunities Work Center View.
- From the list of opportunities, select multiple opportunities for mass update.
- Click on pencil icon to edit selected opportunities.
- Do Mass Update of selected opportunities by changing from Owner “XYZ” to Owner “DCFG”, where XYZ and DCFG represents names of the Owners.
- Click on Save Button.
- You get an Error "Save Failed".
You observe multiple error messages, leading to failure of mass update of selected opportunities.
You expect that opportunities without error, should be updated.
Business Object opportunity have dependencies between the different business objects. These can be an account or two opportunities that are linked to each other.
These dependencies cannot be determined automatically.
When multiple Business Objects are modified together, then modified changes can be saved either for all object together or none. This means that during mass update of opportunity, either all opportunities are updated and saved successfully or None.
In standard, opportunity is error tolerant and can be saved always. However in mass update of opportunities, either all opportunities are updated and saved successfully or None. This is the expected behavior.
If mass update of opportunity is failing , the as an alternative you can execute following actions:-
- Deselect the opportunities that has an error and execute the mass update of all opportunities without any error.
- Check if the mass update of opportunity is rejected due to custom validation. Removal of custom validation, would allow mass update of opportunity.
Mass Update, Opportunity, Change, fails, Error , KBA , mass update, opportunity, change, failed , LOD-CRM-OPP , Opportunity Management , Problem