SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2937898 - Material Planning on Multiple Sites


You have two different Sites where you store your Stock. You operate Site A as your main site and from there you ship Products to your customers. While Site B functions only as a storage location. Now you are looking for a way you can utilize the Stock levels of both Sites within your Material Planning run, so that when there is a Demand the following is executed:

  1. When there is no stock available at Site A, an Availability check is triggered for the stock at Site B.
  2. You want the system to create stock transfer proposals or purchase proposals from Site B to A based on your setting. 



SAP Business ByDesign


SAP Business ByDesign all versions


ATP, MRP, Multiple, Location, Planning Area, Stock Transfer Proposals, Purchase Proposals, Production Proposals, Priority, Source, Supply , KBA , AP-SDM-MRP , Material Requirements Planning , AP-CR-CR , Customer Requirement , How To

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