- The value of the Inventory key figure IO Safety Stock Days (IOSAFETYSTOCKDAYSOFSUPPLY) does not look correct
- AND the key figure calculation for RECOMMENDEDSAFETYSTOCK has some customizations that differ from the SAP3 or SAPIBP1 sample models
- AND Unit of Measure (UOM) conversion is configured on the RECOMMENDEDSAFETYSTOCK key figure.
NOTE: if none of the above apply but you still do not think the value of the safety stock days key figure is correct, see kba 2598155
SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP) for Inventory
SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain all versions
ibp, inventory, io, inv, IOSAFETYSTOCKDAYSOFSUPPLY, iosafetystockdays, ss, safety, stock, days, RECOMMENDEDSAFETYSTOCK, SAFETYSTOCKLOTSIZE , KBA , SCM-IBP-INV , Inventory Planning , Problem
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