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2937962 - IQ Cockpit reporting error "The data "<msg>" is not legal for a JDOM attribute: 0x1a is not a legal XML character when opening Table's folder in Explore tab.


When trying to open the Table's folder in Explore tab from IQ Cockpit, the following error is reported:

"The data "<msg>" is not legal for a JDOM attribute: 0x1a is not a legal XML character


From gateway.log file located at $SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/log the message is reported:

</list>, [818CF740599211EA80008B62AE5CEAD1], null] )com.sybase.scc.jmx.AdminConsoleGateway.err_load_obj_data
org.jdom.IllegalDataException: The data "This table has all log^Zs related to changes in Server" is not legal for a JDOM attribute: 0x1a is not a legal XML character.


" is not legal for a JDOM attribute: 0x1a is not a legal XML character when opening Table's folder in Explore tab."> Read more...


IQ Cockpit 4 SP11.


SAP IQ 16.0


IQ Cockpit not legal  JDOM attribute Table Folder , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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