During the table conversion using DB6CONV, the SWAP phase got failed due to the deadlock/ lock-timeout as below:
20200517 135857 ONLINE CONVERSION: Start of Step 4 (SWAP)
20200517 135857 CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE( '<table schema>', '<table name>', '', '', 'SWAP' )
20200517 135923 ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE - SWAP step aborted.
20200517 135923 SQL0911N The current transaction has been rolled back because of a
deadlock or timeout. Reason code "2". SQLSTATE=40001
20200517 135923 >>> Content (key,value) of SYSTOOLS.ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE
The previous COPY step was successfully completed.
And from T-cd:DBACockpit-> Diagnostics-> Lock-Wait Events, program/job accessing the corresponding table when the SWAP phase was failed can be found.
SAP on IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
SWAP, deadlock, lock-timeout, SQL0911N, Reason code "2", Reason code "68" , KBA , BC-DB-DB6-DBA , Database Administration , Problem
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