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2938971 - SAP BOBJ 4.2SP8 Patch 2 install has encountered "Could not establish a connection with any CMS" errors


During an upgrade from BI 4.2 Sp6 to BI4.2 Sp8 P200

  • the upgrade finishes with errors and system is not operational after
  • The errors seen in setupengine.log are :
    05:00:04.287 Error: *** Action failed.
    ERROR: Could not establish a connection with any CMS.
    **_*|ERROR: Could not establish a connection with any CMS.|ERROR: Could not establish a connection with any CMS.
    *_**ERROR: An unexpected internal error occurred. The CMS has terminated unexpectedly with exit code 1. (FWM 23025)**_*|ERROR: An unexpected internal error occurred. The CMS has terminated unexpectedly with exit code 1. (FWM 23025)|ERROR: An unexpected internal error occurred. The CMS has terminated unexpectedly with exit code 1. (FWM 23025)*_**



  • SAP Business Intelligence platform 4.2 Sp06 -> SP08 patch 200
  • RHEL 7.4
  • 2 Node cluster


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2


HANA, upgrade , BI, BOE, fail, errors, CMS DB , KBA , BI-BIP-INS , Installation, Updates, Upgrade, Patching , Problem

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