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2939179 - DB59 connection test failed with "ERR_USRFAIL: User authorization failed"


DB59 test connection failed with "User authorization failed".

For example:
1. Connect. test with "dbmcli db_state" Unsuccessful
Error! Connection failed to node <hostname> for database SDB:
-24950,ERR_USRFAIL: User authorization failed
External program terminated with exit code 2

However, you are able to run dbmcli command with the same username/password.

When you test using sa38 -> rsbdcos0. You will see following:
dbmcli -n <hostname> -d <SID> -u <username>,<password> db_state  => Fails with "-24950,ERR_USRFAIL: User authorization failed".
dbmcli -n localhost -d <SID> -u <username>,<password> db_state => Works without any issue.



 DB59, ERR_USRFAIL: User authorization failed , KBA , BC-DB-SDB-DBA , Database Administration MaxDB , Problem

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