You are doing a system update/upgrade with SUM. An error occurred in phase "PREP_INIT/HDB_CHK_PRIVILEGES".
From the phase log file "HDBCHKPRIVILEGES.LOG", you can find the following error.
3 ETQ121 20200616110921: PID 11747 execute '~/../jvm/jre/bin/java -cp ~/bin/ HDB_CMD_CLAZZ_NAME=UPDATE_REPAIR_ROLES_AND_PRIVILEGES DATABASE_HOSTNAME=<host name> INSTANCE_NUMBER=00 JDBC_PATH=~/bin READ_FROM_STDIN=TRUE DATABASE_SQL_USER_NAME=SAPABAP1 DATABASE_SID=<SID>' in background, output written to '/usr/sap/<SID>/SUM/abap/log/HDBSLLIB_CHK_PRIVILEGES.LOG'.
3WETQ122 20200616111004: PID 11747 exited with status 1 '' (time: 43.0/ 2.0/ 0.2/103MB real/usr/sys/maxmem)
4 ETQ399 20200616111004: WAITED for 1 processes to finish, 0 aborted.
4 ETQ399 Result of command line call: ''
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Unexpected result ''
1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "HDB_CHK_PRIVILEGES" aborted with severe errors ("20200616111004")
In the log file "/usr/sap/<SID>/SUM/abap/log/HDBSLLIB_CHK_PRIVILEGES.LOG", there is the following error message.
Tue Jun 16 11:10:04 IST 2020 | | Error during execution of SQL command: ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ('indexserver.ini', 'SYSTEM' ) SET ('sqlscript', 'enable_builtin_procedure_get_objects_in_ddl_statement') = 'true' WITH RECONFIGURE [129]: transaction rolled back by an internal error: Disk full
ABAP system update/upgrade with SUM.
"PREP_INIT/HDB_CHK_PRIVILEGES", SUM, "Unexpected result", "transaction rolled back by an internal error", "Disk full" , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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