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2939586 - R3trans fails with error "rc=111:Connection refused" because of entry in /etc/hosts


  • You execute the command "R3trans -d" while logged as <sapsid>adm and it fails with the following message:
    This is R3trans version 6.26 (release 777 - 02.01.20 - 20:20:01).
    unicode enabled version
    2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = HDB --- SERVER = '' PORT = ''"
    R3trans finished (0012).
  • The trans.log file has similar error messages as follows:

    4 ETW000 [dbhdbsql.cpp,00000] *** ERROR => Connect to database failed, rc=1, rcSQL=-10709
    4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] SQLCODE : -10709
    4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] SQLERRTEXT : Connection failed (RTE:[89006] System call 'connect' failed, rc=111:Connection refused (<hostname>:<port>))
    4 ETW000 [ dblink ,00000] ***LOG BY2=>sql error -10709 performing CON
    4 ETW000 [ dblink ,00000] ***LOG BY0=>Connection failed (RTE:[89006] System call 'connect' failed, rc=111:Connection refused (<hostname>:<port>))
    2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = HDB
  • Telnet connections are possible to the host / indexserver port, although it fails intermittently.



  • SAP HANA, Platform edition;
  • SAP HANA Database;
  • SAP systems based on SAP NetWeaver;


SAP HANA, platform edition all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions


r3trans, connection, error, hana client, hdbuserstore, hdbsql, ABAP, disp+work, s/4hana. s4hana, s4, dispatcher, kernel, dbsl, sqldbc , KBA , HAN-DB-ENG , SAP HANA DB Engines , HAN-DB-CLI , SAP HANA Clients (JDBC, ODBC) , Problem

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