SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2940145 - What is the User-Agent sent from Android and IOS SuccessFactors Mobile App.


User-Agent sent from Android and IOS SuccessFactors App.


Successfactor Mobile APP , Successfactor Learning Management, Learning Management System.


What is User-Agent ?

--> The User-Agent request header is a characteristic string that lets servers and network peers identify the application, operating system, vendor, and/or version of the requesting.

When your browser connections to website, your browser sends the user agent to every website you connect to. There is no conventional way of writing a user agent string as different browsers use different formats and many web browsers load a lot of information onto their user agents.

User-Agent field is included in the HTTP header. The data of the header field varies from browser to browser.

Likewise, when you use Mobile apps, server needs to know the User Agent information from Mobile App then directs to different logic.

Successfactors Android and IOS apps supplies Uniform User Agent values for  iOS and Android phones , below is the example User-Agent values supplied from SF apps.

User-Agent sent from Android and IOS SuccessFactors App.


User-Agent SF Android App example:




User-Agent SF iOS App example:


{"appName":"SuccessFactors", "appVersion":"6.11 rv:3", "deviceName":"iPhone", "osType":"iOS", "osVersion":"11.4", "locale":"es_ES", "releaseVersion":"1805p1"}



Successfactor Mobile app , Mobile App user-Agent , user agent , User Agent , What is the User-Agent sent from Android and IOS SuccessFactors Mobile App. , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-MOB , Mobile Application Issues Only , How To


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