You are executing Task List FRA_INITIAL_SETUP in transaction STC01 for ACS setup. During the execution, the following authorization grant GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA "_SYS_REPO" TO SAPHANADB_CONTENT_ACTIVATION fails with error [258]: insufficient privilege.
- SAP HANA, Platform Edition;
- SAP HANA Database;
- SAP systems based on SAP NetWeaver;
grc, acs, fra_initial_setup, fra, sapfra, hana, sql 258, not enough privillege, stc01, acs, installation, component activation, _SYS_REPO , KBA , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , GRC-AUD , GRC Audit Management , BC-DB-HDB-SYS , Database Interface/DBMS for SAP HANA , GRC-BIS , Business Integrity Screening , GRC-BPS , GRC Business Partner Screening , GRC-TC , GRC Tax Compliance , Problem
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