This SAP Note aims to clarify questions about the Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (NF-e), the electronic invoice solution for Brazil. This documentation will be updated with the main SAP Notes, future changes and issues. It is also strongly suggested to review the content of SAP Note 2525257 (Localization Latin America) to keep yourself updated about the overall localization topics and solutions for Latin America, including localization for Brazil.
- A - Installation
- B - Mapping
- C - Rejections
- D - Validations
- E - General errors
- F - Message system
- G - SAP Community
- H - NF-e Status sequences by scenario
- See Also
Last update: March 12th, 2024
Last changes: Added topic C19
nota fiscal, notas fiscais, nf, nfs, nfes, nf-es, brazil, brazilian, brasil, brasilian, brasileño, brasileña, brasileiro, brasileira, brasilien, brasilianer, electronic invoice, elektronische rechnung, factura electrónica, fatura eletrônica, factura eletrónica, einvoice, efactura, efatura, erechnung, faq, faqs, webinar, webnar, video, videos, troubleshooting guide, troubleshootingguide, tsg, tsguide, guia de solução de problemas, guía para resolver problemas, anleitung zur fehlerbehebung, nota fiscal writer, nf writer, edocument, document compliance, digital compliance, e-document, edocs, einvoicing, electronic, eletronic, e-mail, scpi, pi, xi, po, schematron, nlote, qlote, dfab, dval, cprodanvisa, pglp, pgnn, pgnni, vpart, detpag, tpag, vpag, tpintegra, cnpj, tband, caut, vtroco, indescala, cnpjfab, cbenef, pst, vbcfcpstret, pfcpstret, vfcpstret, icms60, vbcstdest, vicmsstdest, icmsst, vbcfcpufdest, icmsufdest, vipidevol, vfcp, vfcpst, vipidevol, indpres, refnf, modfrete, vbcfcp, pfcp, vfcp, vbcfcpst, pfcpst, vfcpst, cst, j_1bnfdoc, j_1bnflin, j_1bnfepharma, j_1bnfetrace, j_1bnfepayment, j_1bnf_add_data, cl_nfe_print, j1b1n, j1b2n, j1b3n, bapi_j_1b_nf_createfromdata, bapi_j_1b_nf_readdata, j_1b_nf_map_to_xml, cl_nfe_print, j_1b_nf_map_to_xml, j1b1n, código do produto anvisa, cprodanvisa, j_1bnfanpt, cbt, j_1bnfe_in_create_400, j_1bnfe_in_goods_mov_400, j_1bnfe_in_ret_comp_400, j_1bnfe_in_subseq_adj_400, 3,10, 3.10, 4,0, 4,00, 4.0, 4.00, amount, brasil, bx90, bx94, cenq, cest, chave de lançamento, condition records, confaz, conhecimento de transporte, ct-e, código especificador, difal, digital invoice, e-invoice, einvoice, electronica, electronic invoice, electronic invoicing for brazil, electrônica, eletronica, eletronic invoice, factura electronica, fatura eletronica, fcp, fdcap, fdcp, fdp, fundo de combate a pobreza, fundo de combate à pobreza, fundo de pobreza, icap, icbp, icep, icfp, icms, icms partilha, icms share, icsm, icsp, ictp, icva, industrialisation, industrialização, inscricão estadual, interstate, j1b3n, layout, lc, leiaute, mdf-e, nf, nf-e, nfe, nota fiscal, nota fiscal eletrônica, nota fistal, nota tecnica, nota técnica, nota técnica 2016/002, nt 2016/002, nt 20160 02, partilha, partition, procedure, procedures, rejeição, rvabra, rvxbra, sao paulo, sao paolo, sap electronic invoicing for brazil, sap nfe, sap nota, fiscal eletronica, sefaz, state inscription, substituição tributária, tax jurisdiction code, technical note, tecnica, uf, xml, xmls, xsd, condition based technique, mcha, cl_j_1b_batches_da, if_j_1b_batches_da, outbound, objects, object, exchange infrastructure, java, 7.0x, tls, netweaver java server, pi, bapi_j_1bnfdoc_add, bapi_j_1bnfdoc_readdata, bapi_j_1bnflin_add, bapi_j_1bnflin_readdata, j_1bnfdoc_add, j_1bnflin_add, j_1bnf_badi_header, j_1bnf_badi_item, 215, parana, 852, ndup_new, ndup, basered1, icm3, predbc, reduction, redução base icms, j_1bnfstx, j1b1n, CFOP, EAN, EAN_TRIB, CEST, 392, payment , KBA , payment , 392 , j_1bnfepayment , FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , Outbound , XX-CSC-BR-NFE , Use FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , Bug Filed
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