Consider the following scenario:
- You are using SAP Document and Reporting Compliance, outbound invoicing option for Brazil (also known as "NF-e on cloud") as the messaging system
- There is one or more than one Nota Fiscal document which is appearing in the Required Process Step "In process; no manual action required" (also known as "gear" status) in the transaction code J1BNFE (NF-e/CT-e Monitor)
- The Access Key of the Nota Fiscal document is not appearing in the SEFAZ (Brazil Tax Authority) web site
When it is executed the J_1BNFE_CF_STATUS_UPDATE (Update NF-e status from cloud foundry) report, using the Company Code and Business Place of the Nota Fiscal document, it is appearing the message J_1BNFE_CF 040 (The following exception was raised: [...]).
- Localization Brazil
- Country/region-specific Developments
- SAP ERP 6.0
- SAP ERP Central Component 6.0
- SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
- SAP Document and Reporting Compliance, outbound invoicing option for Brazil (nota fiscal eletrônica)
J_1BNFE_CF, 040, J_1BNFE_CF 040, J_1BNFE_CF040, NT, 2024.001, technical, note, TN, 2024001, invoice, legal, change, document, reporting, compliance, outbound, invoicing, option, nf-e, nf, electronic, messaging, system, required, process, step, gear, status, monitor, company, code, business, place, exception, raised, access, key, tax, authority, web site, denial, rejection, SEFAZ, SINIEF, nota, técnica, fiscal, eletrônica, mudança, J1BNFE, J_1BNFE_CF_STATUS_UPDATE, Brazil, Brasil, localization, localização , KBA , j_1bnfe_cf , 040 , j_1bnfe_cf 040 , j_1bnfe_cf040 , nt , 2024.001 , technical , note , tn , 2024001 , legal , invoice , change , reporting , document , invoicing , outbound , compliance , option , nf-e , nf , electronic , system , messaging , process , step , status , gear , required , monitor , code , company , business , place , raised , access , authority , key , tax , exception , denial , web site , rejection , sefaz , sinief , nota , fiscal , eletrônica , técnica , j1bnfe , j_1bnfe_cf_status_update , localization , brazil , brasil , localização , LOD-LH-NFE , SAP Document and Reporting Compliance, Outbound Nota Fiscal , Problem
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