- . . ./DC-15_0/servers/<dcsrvname>/log/<dcsrvname>.log
. . .
LogHeader MM/DD/YYYY 24:mm:ss.msmsms blank NULL NULL NULL Open Server specified language.charset [us_english.iso_1]
.850]tice MM/DD/YYYY 24:mm:ss.msmsms blank NULL NULL NULL Server does not support language.charset [us_english
* * * notice how . . . language.charset [us_english . . . has been truncated . . . and the LogNotice text on the far left of the last line has been overwritten by .850]
DirectConnect (DC) ECDA * * * software piece installed on Linux Unix Windows
DirectConnect (DC) MFC * * * software piece installed on Linux Unix Windows
linux . . . RHEL or SLES
KBA , BC-SYB-ECD , Enterprise Connect (ECDA) , BC-SYB-MFC , Mainframe Connect (MFC) , Problem
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