You want to update External and Internal Notes in Sales Orders Using Data Workbench (the same also applies for other sales documents, like Leads and Sales Quotes).
SAP Cloud for Customer
The Sales order Internal and External notes are inside the Sales order Text Collection.
To update the Internal and External notes, please follow the steps below.
- Go to DataWorkbench work center.
- Go to EXPORT view.
- Look for "Sales order Text Collection".
- Filter for relevant Sales orders to be updated.
- Export the data and download the exported CSV-file from the Data workbench MONITOR.
- Edit the CSV-File and update the column 'Text'.
- Maintain the following type code 10024 for External Notes and 10011 Internal Notes in the 'Type Codes' column.
- Delete all the columns except the technical ones "ObjectID", "ParentObjectID", "HeaderObjectID".
- Now go back to DataWorkbench work center, chose UPDATE for "Sales order Text Collection".
- Select the updated file and Update.
Update, Internal Notes, External Notes, Data workbench, Sales order Text Collection , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-DWB , Data Workbench , Problem
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