Fatal reader crash with following information
--------------------- iqmsg ---------------------
DQP_CXT worker : st_workerQueryFragment::Run Exception throw Leader ID : 1, Txn ID : 423031366, DQP Context ID : 281474976831912, Work handle ID 1, Fragment ID 9
Exception Thrown from dflib/dfe_BaseColumn.cxx:1371, Err# 0, tid 667 origtid 667
O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 519 (hos_attnexception); SQLCode: -299, SQLState: '57014', Severity: 16
--------------------- Stack trace ---------------
===== Thread Number 140336661501696 (DQP queryID: 121691) =====
pc: 0x7faa74e97b98 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*, int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+0x38
pc: 0x7faa74e983cd ucstkgentrace(int, int)+0x13d
pc: 0x7faa74e98c1d DumpAllThreads(char const*, unsigned int, int)+0x2bd
pc: 0x7faa74c02828 hos_ABORT(char const*, unsigned int, char const*, char*, char*, sigcontext*)+0x748
pc: 0x7faa75b07f61 SigHndlr+0x51
pc: 0x7facac625630 __do_global_dtors_aux_fini_array_entry+0x3488c140
pc: 0x7faa75b9f740 db_CatalogChain::find(unsigned int)+0x20
pc: 0x7faa75b941d2 db_workerCatalogContext::FindTableByVersionID(unsigned int, unsigned long long, unsigned int, unsigned int)+0x522
pc: 0x7faa7476eb45 dfe_BaseColumn::Deserialize(hos_Deserializer&)+0x435
pc: 0x7faa74e8509d hos_Deserializer::readRoot()+0xc5d
pc: 0x7faa75b78348 st_workerQueryFragment::Prepare(hos_Deserializer&)+0x464
pc: 0x7faa75b77af5 st_workerQueryFragment::Exec()+0x9f
pc: 0x7faa75b41698 st_workerContextContainer::SetupWorkAllocatorExec(st_workerQueryFragment*)+0x2c8
--------------------- stderr ------------------
*** SAP IQ Abort:
*** From: stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:2450
IQ 16.1 sp04 pl03
DQP_CXT , st_workerQueryFragment , db_CatalogChain::find , db_workerCatalogContext::FindTableByVersionID , dflib/dfe_BaseColumn.cxx:1371 , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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