SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2942815 - Approvals node is empty in repository explorer


The standard PurchaseOrder BO, contains the node Approval which contains the node ApprovalStep which contains the node ApprovalStepApprover.

In the Repository explorer, the Approval node is empty, despite in the ByDesign UI the system shows there are approvers configured for the purchase order.


SAP Cloud Application Studio

SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Login to SDK
  2. Go to View
  3. Select Repository Explorer
  4. Select  Business Object PurchaseOrder 
  5. Perform Query by doing Execute Query from QueryByElements (Right click and click on Execute Query)
  6. Enter Parameter ID
  7. Click on OK


When you execute the query on business object PurchaseOrder, the hieracy of the instances  are not loaded and so it does not fetches approval responsible name by passing the bo name, bo namespace, node id.



You are advised to use transformation definition BTM_MSA_CURR_STEP_APP_INFO for your purpose.

The transformation definition fetches approval responsible name by passing the bo name, bo namespace, node id and the bo node name.


Execute Query, SDK, Cloud Application Studio, Repository Explorer, Approval node is empty   , KBA , AP-RC-BDS-REP , ByDesign Studio Repository View , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions ; SAP Cloud Applications Studio all versions