- Client, Connector or Integration not able to connect to the SAP FSM Cloud. Logs show error messages related to TLS (Transport Layer Security, aka SSL)
- Opening shows an untrusted certificate warning
- Error messages related to missing trust to the FSM cloud
- Any FSM Integration connecting to the SAP FSM Cloud via HTTPS
- Any use of any FSM Cloud API
- FSM mobile apps
- FSM web apps
- Incompatible, outdated software (See compatibility document [3])
SAP Field Service Management all versions ; SAP Field Service Management mobile app all versions
TestLogin failed, SSL, TLS, Handshake, Root Certificate, Certificate Authority, Untrusted, TransporterException, Connection Error , KBA , CEC-SRV-FSM , Field Service Management , CEC-SRV-FSM-C4C , FSM C4C Integration , CEC-SRV-FSM-ERP , FSM Connector for SAP ERP , Problem
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