You are wondering whether reminder / expediter functionality (ME91f/ME92f) is usable in such cases where the reminder / expediter would be sent to Ariba, as the document also handled by Ariba.
- Ariba Network Integration for SAP Business Suite (already out of maintenance, more info in SAP Note 2705047)
- S/4Hana inbuilt native connection with Ariba with cXML's - J82 scope item
SAP Ariba solution integration for SAP Business Suite all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions
order confirmation reminder expediter PO purchase order MAHN AUFB Ariba AN , KBA , BNS-ARI-SE-ERP , Business Suite Ariba integration add-on for SAP ERP , MM-PUR-GF-OC , Message determination and printing , BNS-INT-ARI-MM , Native cXML Ariba int. with S/4HANA – MM , Problem
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