SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2945951 - Job ID is Not Replicating, Even Though the Job ID is Maintained in Success Factors


When replicating employees from Success Factors to ByD, the job ID is not replicating, even though you maintained the job ID in Success Factors. When you go to Master Data Replication work center > Employees view > Failed, Not Started, then you will see that the job ID is mandatory in the log items for the selected employee.

You might also observe that the cost centers are not replicating on Success Factors.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Master Data Replication work center
  2. Click on Employees view
  3. Search for the relevant employee
  4. Select Failed/ Not Started


A possible cause is that there is no cost center ID for each employee maintained in Success Factors. Cost center ID for each employee needs to be maintained, because Success Factors system is the leading system and ByD pulls the information from Success Factors. As Success Factors is the leading system, all the data that is required for ByD should be sent to ByD via the replication action.


Please maintain cost center ID for each employee maintained in Success Factors and pull the request again to ensure the correct data is provided to ByD.


updating org and cost center manually, job ID not replicating, Employee Central, Replication, , KBA , AP-HMD-RPL , HCM-Master Data Replication , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions