SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2946538 - Same ChangeStateID for EmploymentData Which is Related to Different WorkAgreementData


When querying employee data using web service QueryEmployeeIn, three instances of Employment Data for this employee are returned. but EmploymentData which is related to different work agreement data shares the same ChangeStateID.


SAP Business ByDesign


From Employment point of view, there’s no change in Country of Employment and Company for first and third instances of Employment Data for this employee, hence these records share the same Employment instance. Therefore, the ChangeStateID and UUID are coming same for the first and third records in the query response as well.

This is working as per the current design.


As a workaround, you can use the ChangeStateID for WorkAgreementData instead.


EmploymentData; WorkAgreementData; QueryEmployeeIn; ChangeStateID , KBA , AP-BP-EE , Employee , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions