- You have more than one SAP HANA system installed on the same host;
- In the first system, you notice the indexserver of one of the SAP HANA systems was terminated abruptly:
- In the indexserver trace file, you can't find a shutdown message, only the next startup message;
- Upon checking the daemon trace file, you can see that the service was terminated with a similar message as follows:
Process 'hdbindexserver', pid 156620 exited because it caught signal 9
- In the second system, you notice an out of memory dump with "Allocation failure type: OPERATING_SYSTEM_LIMIT". In the oom trace file, you can see the Linux parameter /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count is set as recommended in SAP Note 1980196;
- Both systems have no Global Allocation Limit set;
SAP HANA, platform edition;
SAP HANA, platform edition all versions
SAP HANA, platform edition, sap_hana, database, db, saphana, oom, oom-killer, linux_oom_killer, crashdump, terminated, termination, terminates, out_of_memory, out-of-memory, dump, dumping, dumps, restart, restarts, restarted, GAL, global_allocation_limit, allocated, allocator, operating_system_limit, limit, os, systems, hdbindexserver, indexserver, index server, hdb, node, nodes, signal 9, configured , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem
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