- You are completing the preparation steps for a service session (e.g. SAP GoingLive Analysis Session, OS/DB Migration Analysis Session, etc.)
- Symptom 1: In the step "Hardware for current Landscape", you see the below errors:
Enter either "SAPS per horst" or the hardware details (using the value help) of host
Enter either "SAPS per host" or the hardware details (using the value help) of host <host>
- The hardware data is not filling automatically in this step or the value help list does not provide any selection options.
- You cannot proceed to the next service preparation step due to this error.
- Symptom 2: In a service session, like OS/DB Migration Analysis (session package: GA_MI_GP) - there are missing selection options in preparation step "Hardware for planned landscape"
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
Enter either SAPS per horst or the hardware details (using the value help) of host, SAPS per host, hardware for current landscape, SAP GoingLive Analysis Session, OS/DB Migration Analysis Session, Go-Live, Going Live, service session, missing selection options, OS/DB migration, OS DB migration, operating system, database, guided self service, hardware for planned landscape, Solman, service report , KBA , SV-SMG-SVD-SSP , Service Session Prepare Step , SV-SMG-SER , SAP Support Services , SV-SMG-SVD , Service Delivery (and Planning) , Problem
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