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2947040 - WaitTime of WaitEventID = 780 in monProcessWaits is constantly growing - SAP ASE


  • WaitTime of WaitEventID = 780 is constantly growing every time you retrieve a result set from master..monProcessWaits. What does it mean ?
1> select * from master..monProcessWaits
2> go
 SPID        InstanceID KPID        ServerUserID OrigServerUserID WaitEventID Waits       WaitTime
 ----------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
           1          0      327683            0                0         215           6           0
           1          0      327683            0                0         780           6      130755
1> select * from master..monProcessWaits
2> go
 SPID        InstanceID KPID        ServerUserID OrigServerUserID WaitEventID Waits       WaitTime
 ----------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
           1          0      327683            0                0         215          15           0
           1          0      327683            0                0         780          15     8151357



SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


monSysWaits, 780, MEMORY TUNE , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , How To

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