Error 6924 error is reported during database recovery:
Error: 6924, Severity: 22, State: 2
The chain of database fragments used by the Sysimrslogs table seems corrupted. A scan of the table would result in an infinite loop. The command will be aborted. Please contact SAP Technical Support.
- Recovery continues after this error but recovery progress shows a negative number of pages to be processed:
IMRS redo pass for database 'ERP': 1000 pages done (100%); -1000 pages left.
IMRS redo pass for database 'ERP': 2000 pages done (100%); -2000 pages left.
IMRS redo pass for database 'ERP': 3000 pages done (100%); -3000 pages left.
IMRS redo pass for database 'ERP': 4000 pages done (100%); -4000 pages left.
IMRS redo pass for database 'ERP': 5000 pages done (100%); -5000 pages left.
IMRS redo pass for database 'ERP': 6000 pages done (100%); -6000 pages left.
IMRS redo pass for database 'ERP': 7000 pages done (100%); -7000 pages left.
Finished redo phase of sysimrslogs recovery for database 'ERP' (4). nextxact=(0,0), imrslgallocs_to_fill: high=0, low=7526
- Recovery eventually successfully finishes.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
- In-Memory Row Storage (IMRS)
CR810357, CR#810357, 810357, recovery , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Bug Filed
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