- Why NWBC Dashboard reports is different after upgrade?
- Why NWBC Dashboard reports colors and format are changed after upgrade?
- Dashboard reports with Adobe Flash Player do not work suddenly.
- Why NWBC Dashboard reports UI changes?
- Impact of Adobe support with Flash Player.
- Difference between new NWBC Dashboard reports and OVP (Overview Page).
- Would like to understand what is the impact of the incoming end of support for Adobe Flash (end of 2020) in browsers on SAP GRC Dashboard (using Adobe)?
- How can the dashboards work without Adobe Flash Player?
GRC Access Control / Process Control / Risk Management
- Dashboard Reports
- This solution will not work for version GRC 10.0 based on technical and process related reasons, we suggest customer to upgrade to GRC 12.0 version
- Please note, version 10.0 & 10.1 release is going out of mainstream maintenance on 12/31/2020. Refer to 52505.
Adobe Flash Player, GRC end of maintenance, dashboard reports, IGS, Internet Graphics Server, Fiori OVP Adobe Flashplayer Dash Board Adobe Flash payer life cycle Adobe Flash payer life cycle Flash dependency, Adobe Flash player stopped working, Edge browser, Flash dependency, Adobe Flash payer life cycle, Adobe Flashplayer stopped working, Fiori Dashboard OVP, Flash dependency, Dash Board, Edge Browser, Fiori Overview pages, Analytics Tab , KBA , GRC-SAC-DAS , Dashboard , GRC-SAC-ARQ , Access Request , GRC-SAC-ARA , Access Risk Analysis , GRC-SAC-BRM , Business Role Management , GRC-SAC-EAM , Emergency Access Management , GRC-SPC-RE , Reports and Dashboards , GRC-SAC-UPG , Installation & Upgrade , GRC-RM-REP , Reporting, Printing and Dashboards , GRC-SPC-ANA , Analytics , GRC-SAC-REP , Repository , GRC-SAC-UAR , User Access Review , How To
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