- What is the difference between SeniorityDate and HireDate in Employment Details as date is same for both the fields when employee is hired in the system.
- If employee has served x number of years in the company and left the company. After 1 year he/she comes back what is seniority date?
- SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
- Employment Details
- Hire date is a system generated date and it should not be manually changed. It's the first job info record with hire event's start date
- Hire date is also used for integration purposes. So it's a much more fundamental and important field
- There are other fields in Employment Details including Seniority Date that can be changed. These date fields like Seniority Date can change as per company's policy
- For example, there may be a policy that the seniority date will start once the Employee completes probation of 6 months. In this case the Hire Date is will remain as employee's Hire Date, however Seniority Date can be updated to Hire Date + 6 months
See Also
2487332 - Why is Seniority Start Date Defaulted From Rehire Date
Seniority Date, seniorityDate, Hire Date, hiredate, difference seniorityDate and hiredate, rehire date , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-EMP , Employment Information (Employment Details) , How To
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions