After running SUM's startup command, below error message is displayed in Command Prompt, and recorded in dev_saphostexec:
*** ERROR => /xxx/SUM/abap/SUMSTART: File 'others' permission violation (permissions: 777, owner: sidadm (2000), group: sapsys (1003)) [CommandImplu 530]
*** ERROR => Permission policy violation [CommandImplu 1244]
*** ERROR => /xxx/SUM/sdt/exe/ File 'others' permission violation (permissions: 777, owner: sidadm (1004), group: sapsys (1002)) [CommandImplu 530]
*** ERROR => Permission policy violation [CommandImplu 1244]
Also, even if SUM is registered correctly in hostagent, SUM shall not launch in browser and "sapstartsrv.log" from the Hostagent work directory shows below error:
*** ERROR => Failed to start command <SUM>/sdt/exe/ [OperationOSC 566]
[Thr 140411902801664] *** ERROR => Command returned: Policy check failed [OperationOSC 584]
[Thr 140411902801664] *** ERROR => OperationOSCommand::Execute(): StartCommand failed [OperationOSC 185]
[Thr 140411902801664] *** ERROR => Operation::ExecuteNextCommand(): Execution of command Start SUMJAVA failed
with errorcode -6 [Operation.cp 362]
[Thr 140411906500352] , KeyValueList contains 0 elements
[Thr 140411906500352] , List<CIMObject> empty[Thr 140411906500352] , ErrorMessage=Permission policy violation
[Thr 140469261264704] Thu Feb 11 22:54:16 2021
[Thr 140469261264704] *** ERROR => /usr/sap/patch01/SUM_PMJ/sdt/exe: Directory group violation (permissions: 775, owner: pmjadm (5236), group: sapsys (299)) [CommandImplu 530]
[Thr 140469261264704] *** ERROR => Permission policy violation [CommandImplu 1247]
Software Update Manager 1.0/2.0.
File 'others' permission violation, permissions: 777, Permission policy violation, sumstart, startup, Policy check failed, 127 (Permission policy violation), Internal Server Error Operation , KBA , BC-UPG-SLC , Software Logistics Controller , Problem
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