- When adding a subscription, RepServer shuts down with a stacktrace and creates a core file.
- "create subscription...direct_load" aborts/infected in the module MatApply():
REPLICATE Replication Server: Creating subscription <SUB_ra$SRS2_Enterprise mytableASDetail_OP6> for replication definition <ra$SRS2_EnterprisemytableASDetail_OP6> with replicate at <server.db>
PRIMARY Replication Server: Creating subscription <SUB_ra$SRS2_EnterprisemytableASDetail_OP6> for replication definition <ra$SRS2_EnterprisemytableASDetail_OP6> with replicate at <server.db>
(169): Thread MatApply( ) infected with signal 11.
(169): Dumping memory trace.
(169): ***************STACK TRACE***************
(169): *****thread MatApply( )*******
(169): .diag(linux_dump_all_func_stack+0x32) [0xb49908]
(169): .diag(dbg_dump_stack_noarg+0x25) [0xbab795]
(169): .diag(dbg_dump_stack+0x3c5) [0xbab0c3]
(169): .diag(exc__appDumpStack+0x1dd) [0x82500d]
(169): .diag(exc_terminate+0x464) [0x82df98]
(169): .diag(linux_catch_signal+0x645) [0x5c41b9]
(169): /lib64/ [0x32db80f710]
(169): /lib64/ [0x32db48967e]
(169): /sybase2/REP-15_5/connector/lib/ [0x7f2c711eb18e]
(169): /sybase2/REP-15_5/connector/lib/ [0x7f2c711eb248]
(169): /sybase2/REP-15_5/connector/lib/ [0x7f2c711ebb91]
(169): /sybase2/REP-15_5/connector/lib/ [0x7f2c711f9449]
(169): /sybase2/REP-15_5/connector/lib/ [0x7f2c711f9967]
(169): .diag(RCIBindParameter+0x52) [0xbf97de]
(169): .diag() [0x753996]
(169): .diag() [0x755ed8]
(169): .diag() [0x734d9f]
(169): .diag(_dsi_exec+0xce89) [0x72c801]
(169): .diag(dsi_exec_sync+0x560) [0x71d688]
(169): .diag() [0x57a71d]
(169): .diag(srv__start_function+0x2fa) [0xd0c219]
(169): /lib64/ [0x32db8079d1]
(169): /lib64/ [0x32db4e89dd]
(169): *****End of stack trace.****
(169): Internal error. Attempting to produce a core file.
SAP Replication Server (SRS) 15.7.1
CR821928, CR#821928, 821928, datatype, mapping, definition, RepDef, crash, shutdown, SEGV, segmentation, storage, access, violation, fault, segfault, stack, trace, stacktrc , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Bug Filed
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