- In SAP HANA Database, there is an issue where disk space is growing.
- Even after cleanup of table data and reclaim as per SAP KBA 2696420 - How to Manually Reclaim LOB space on Hana, the /hana/data size does not decrease significantly.
- Result from HANA_Tables_LargestTables* (from note 1969700) on LOB_DISK_GB, shows a large amount of space is taken up by LOB data.
- Result from HANA_Disks_Data_Overview* (from note 1969700) shows a significant portion of the space, is related to Packed LOB data i.e. column PLOB_GB.
- Table Consistency Check (CHECK_TABLE_CONSISTENCY) against the table returns the following inconsistency:
5,406 ;Lob container with CID= xxx has unusually high overhead, binToRawRatio=5604.99 which is above the threshold of 10 with a total size of 317351264256. Please run REPAIR_HYBRID_LOB_OVERHEAD once on this table.;INFO ;CHECK_HYBRID_LOB_OVERHEAD;? ;?
- SAP HANA, Platform edition 1.0
- SAP HANA, Platform edition 2.0
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5
DB growth, reclaim, defragment, MES_DB_AGGREGATE, OPTIMIZE_COMPRESSION, compression,LOBs reclaim,REPAIR_HYBRID_LOB_OVERHEAD , KBA , HAN-DB-PER , SAP HANA Database Persistence , Problem
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