- You are running a Database Migration Option (DMO) Software Update Manager (SUM) with System Move upgrade procedure.
- You are using the parallel transfer mode
- During the EU_CLONE_MIG_*T_IMP phase, your source or target system faces some issue and shuts down (power outage, etc.)
- Upon starting up the system and repeating the phase, you get this error:
- SAPupConsole_NEW.log
Severe error(s) occurred in phase
Last error code set:
Found 1 processes still alive, not starting afresh - EUMIGRATE*TIMP_NEW.LOG
3EETQ399 Export process for bucket '<package>' still running (pid=<pid>)!
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Found 1 processes still alive, not starting afresh
KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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