When the Cloud Integration tenant has two or more worker nodes enabled for a tenant, an SAP NetWeaver ABAP based system may receive an "HTTP/1.1 403" authentication error when sending data through the Cloud Integration tenant.
The issue occurs randomly.
One known integration scenario where the issue can occur is: SAP on-premise CAR system -> Cloud Integration -> SAP Marketing Cloud
An example of HTTP log from the Cloud Integration tenant showing the issue on the CAR scenario above is:
Node1: http_access_<node1>_<date>
<ip address> (<ip address>) - <S-user on CPI> [<date and time> +0000] GET <Service Endpoint, usually with query string> HTTP/1.1 200 59090 195 <Cloud Integration Tenant ID> -
Node2: http_access_<node2>_<date>
<ip address> (<ip address>) - <S-user on CPI> [<date and time> +0000] POST <Same Service Endpoint, usually with different query string> HTTP/1.1 403 796 253 <Cloud Integration Tenant ID> -
-> there is always a GET followed by a POST
-> the GET always works (HTTP/1.1 200)
-> the POST fails (HTTP/1.1 403) if it is not processed by the same worker node that processed the GET
- Product independent
- Release independent
- Client/Server Technology - ICM (Internet Communication Manager)
- Cloud Integration
KBA , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , LOD-HCI-PI-OPS , Cloud Operations , CA-RT-CAR , SAP Customer Activity Repository , Problem
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