SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2951365 - Meaning and use of the ‘Initial Value Allowed’ indicator in access sequences


The meaning and the use of the ‘Initial Value Allowed’ indicator in access sequences are not clear.

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SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition


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Preliminary Comments and General Remarks

Custom access sequences for pricing in sales and purchasing can be created in the “Set Access Sequences” configuration activity (ID 103121). 
You can find this configuration activity by using the search function in your configuration environment.
For more information about your configuration environment, see Configuration Environment of SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition.

Example for access sequences for pricing in Sales:


Basic Explanations for the Access Sequence

An access sequence is a search strategy that the system uses to find valid condition records during pricing. The accesses tell the system in which table to look first, second, and so on, until it finds a valid condition record.

An access sequence is a hierarchical view with three levels: Access Sequences (header), Accesses, and Fields:


The field assignment offers the ‘Initial Value Allowed’ indicator, named as ‘Init’ in the screen shot below:


Impact and Use of the ‘Initial Value Allowed’ Indicator

If, during pricing in a document, the corresponding document field is initial, the system by default does not execute accesses to condition records for pricing. To override the default behavior, the ‘Initial Value Allowed’ indicator that you can set during configuration can be helpful, and its meaning is explained in the following chapters.

The same holds true for types of condition determination unrelated to pricing, for example, account or batch determination.

The Initial Value Allowed indicator has an impact when you maintain master data (see below), for example, with the Manage Prices – Sales app, and when the system executes the pricing process in a business document.


Impact on Master Data for Pricing in Sales and Purchasing

If you have set the ‘Initial Value Allowed’ indicator in configuration, for all marked fields in the corresponding condition table of the access sequence, you can maintain the initial field value in condition records for pricing in sales and purchasing.

For character-like fields, the initial field value is blank/space (''). The following screenshot shows the Customer field for the accounting indicator discount (DAI2) inside the Mange Prices – Sales app as an example of this.


In the Set Material Prices - Sales and Set Service Prices - Sales apps, the ‘Initial Value Allowed’ indicator is only considered for item fields and not for header fields, since header fields are always mandatory. The Item Field setting is made in the technical settings of the condition table and is only relevant for the above-mentioned apps:


Use in Master Data for Pricing in Sales and Purchasing

The system stores condition records based on different field combinations in one condition table. Using the ‘Initial Value Allowed’ indicator in the Set Access Sequences configuration activity, you can display all field combinations including the ones with initial values together.

Since condition records are later used during pricing in business documents, you can use initial values in condition records for the following options:

Option 1: The initial value is allowed for a field in the business document. If this value is to be pricing relevant, the condition record must also have the initial value for this field.

Option 2: The initial value in a condition record shall be available as a SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition value in the condition amount determination of the pricing process.


Impact During the Pricing Process in a Business Document

If you have set the ‘Initial Value Allowed’ indicator in configuration, in a business document like a sales order or purchase order, the system can access condition records with initial field value(s) during the condition amount determination of the pricing process.


Use During the Pricing Process in a Business Document

Option 1 above implies that the fields for Document Structure and Document Field in the access sequence are filled.

During pricing in the business document, the system determines the condition amount with the value of the document field, even if this field is initial at runtime.



Option 2 above with the example of the above-mentioned Customer field for the condition records results in at least two accesses to the same condition table during the condition amount determination:


The first access is an access to the condition record with the specific value from the document field, where the fields for Document Structure and Document Field are filled and the ‘Initial Value Allowed’ indicator is not set:


If such a condition record is not found, the second access is the access to the initial (SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition) value of the condition record, even if this field is not initial in the document at runtime. Such access implies that you have set the fields for Document Structure and Document Field both to initial in the access sequence:


For more information, see SAP note 1442225 - Meaning of indicator 'Initial Value Allowed' (T682Z-KZINI)

See Also

SAP Help Portal - Pricing and Conditions

SAP Help Portal - Access Sequences

SAP Note 1442225 - Meaning of indicator 'Initial Value Allowed' (T682Z-KZINI)

Fiori Apps Library

Configuration Environment of SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition


KZINI_KD, Access Sequence, Condition Amount Determination, Pricing, SSCUI 103121, Set Access Sequences, Init,  'Initial Value Allowed', Service Prices - Sales, Set Material Prices - Sales, Manage Prices – Sales, Configuration Environment of SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition , KBA , SD-BF-PR , Pricing , SD-MD-CM , Conditions and Condition Maintainance , SD-BF-PR-2CL , Pricing (Public Cloud) , How To


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions