Some scheduled jobs stay in PLANNING status for hours/days. Some of the symptoms are:
- In T-code SM37, the job entry has active status
- In T-code SM50, the correspondent background work process appears to be executing without errors, and current activity shown is a database task ("Sequential read", "Other DB tasks") in tables GRACUSER or GRACUSERCONN, and table GRACRLCONN.
- Also the Time column has pretty high value.
- The background work process remains in this activity for hours, if you try to debug the work process, it may take hours until the debugger opens since it must wait for current activity to complete
SAP Access Control 10.1
SAP Access Control 12.0
SAP Access Control 10.1 ; SAP Access Control 12.0
performance index sequential read planning scheduler nwbc user group usergroup job scheduler schedule background jobs gracrlconn gracrole gracuser gracuserconn direct sequential read ac_ref_role_id , KBA , GRC-SAC-UAR , User Access Review , How To
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