This KBA applies to the following symptoms in the Manage Purchase Orders app:
Users are facing performance issues (e.g. a search takes too long to return results);
Unexpected error 'Condition **** cannot be processed manually' (V1 205), yet in the advanced tile/ME23N this message is not raised;
Dump RAISE_SHORTDUMP related to business object I_PURCHASEORDERTP;
Only warning messages are shown, but purchase order can't be saved;
When creating/changing a purchase order, the net price keeps resetting to 0 (or the old value). In addition, the following error may appear: "Net price must be greater than 0".
And others.
- Materials Management (MM)
- SAP Fiori
- SAP S/4HANA (all versions)
MM, Fiori, performance, slow, low, time, load, manage, purchase, orders, order, MM_PUR_PO_MAINT_V2_SRV, soft state, search, results, return, cannot be processed manually, V1205, I_PURCHASEORDERTP, warning, message, messages, error, errors, net, price, reset, zero, 0, must, be, greater, than, revert, change, changes, back, net, order, value, old, F0842, F0842A, Manage Purchase Orders , KBA , MM-FIO-PUR-PO , Fiori UI for Purchase Orders , Problem
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