- At a pure customer-facing location, it might be expected that the Dependent Demand Mean (DEPENDENTLOCATIONDEMANDMEAN) and Independent Demand Mean (DEPENDENTCUSTOMERDEMANDMEAN) key figures will always be equal (offset by lead time).
- This may not always be the case:
- Remember that DEPENDENTLOCATIONDEMANDMEAN is the propagated demand on the arc/lane from the customer-facing location to the upstream location, while
- DEPENDENTCUSTOMERDEMANDMEAN is demand calculated from the forecast at product-location-customer group level.
SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP)
SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain all versions
ibp, inventory, io, inv, dependent, demand, mean, stddev, multistage, multi-stage, DEPENDENTLOCATIONDEMANDMEAN, DEPENDENTCUSTOMERDEMANDMEAN, DEPENDENTLOCATIONDEMANDSTDDEV , KBA , SCM-IBP-INV , Inventory Planning , How To
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