You have deleted a PDI Solution where you have extended standard SAP Business Configuration Sets.
When opening the Business Configuration in the UI, you see this error or similar:
Error: "Accounting principle Y1234567_AP1 cannot be deleted; used in set of books XYZ"
- SAP Cloud Application Studio
- SAP Business byDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- You have extended BC Set Accounting Principle with value Y1234567_AP1.
- You have further used this Accounting Principle in another BC Set, therefore creating a reference between these two.
- You then delete the PDI Solution without de-scoping it and thus the reference remains.
In this example, a Standard SAP Accounting Principle was extended and cannot be deleted while the reference remains in a set of books. This has caused inconsistencies in the BC workspace, in which some references remained of the previously deleted solution.
In Business Configuration, go to Overview. Then, search for the Accounting Principle set of books and remove the PDI entry.
See Also
2875903 - Error: Value YABCDE_XXX in setting A1S_FIN_TAX_DECLFOP_C_TXDE_CLAT must also be entered in setting AP_C_TXDECLT
BC Upgrade, Accounting Principles, Set of Books, PDI , KBA , SRD-BC-APP-FTN-FIN , Financials , Problem