When running the iXBRL preview in Stack 160x or 1700 (with the new iXBRL preview plugin ), the process either 'hangs' or is very slow (1+ hour)
The Task Engine (debug) log will show this:
2020-07-24 18:04:51.3275 [6] [DEBUG] ==> MappingInlinePreviewWeb.GenerateView(): GeneratePreview TemporaryInputDirectoryC:\ProgramData\SAP\Input\0ca6d4bf-a8b2-4611-b5f6-6f6e59e840b4
2020-07-24 18:04:51.3343 [6] [DEBUG] ==> MappingInlinePreviewWeb.GenerateView(): GeneratePreview TemporaryInputDirectoryC:\ProgramData\SAP\Input\0ca6d4bf-a8b2-4611-b5f6-6f6e59e840b4
2020-07-24 18:04:51.3392 [6] [DEBUG] ==> MappingInlinePreviewWeb.GenerateView(): GeneratePreview instancePathC:\ProgramData\SAP\Input\0ca6d4bf-a8b2-4611-b5f6-6f6e59e840b4\iXBRL for ESMA.htm
2020-07-24 18:04:51.3450 [6] [DEBUG] ==> MappingInlinePreviewWeb.GenerateView(): GeneratePreview fullPreviewFileNameC:\ProgramData\SAP\Input\0ca6d4bf-a8b2-4611-b5f6-6f6e59e840b4\iXBRL for ESMA-ixbrlView.html
2020-07-24 18:04:51.3499 [6] [DEBUG] ==> MappingInlinePreviewWeb.GenerateView(): GeneratePreview TemporaryInputDirectoryC:\ProgramData\SAP\Input\0ca6d4bf-a8b2-4611-b5f6-6f6e59e840b4
The instance itself is created without any issues
Disclosure Management Stack 1600, 1601 or 1700
SAP Disclosure Management 10.1
iXBRL preview Instance creation , KBA , dm , EPM-DSM-GEN , DM core functionalities , Problem
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