After upgrading from SAP IQ 15.4 to 16.0, there was a significant performance degradation of complex query.
After upgrade, same query runs differently with REVERT_TO_V15_OPTIMIZER database option setting.
Html plans clearly prove that IQ 16 optimizer made bad choices than IQ 15 optimizer.
Following was observed between 2 html query plans with and without REVERT_TO_V15_OPTIMIZER option.
- All plans generate 0 rows finally, yet IQ 16 optimizer is very slow as compared with IQ 15 optimizer.
- All 16 optimizer plans have Nested Loop and order by nodes which clearly took lot of time.
- Nested loop node seem to be overworking in estimating rows.
- All join preference plans seems to show same nested loop behavior.
- One of the Nested loop nodeswith large table, IQ 15 optimizer estimated rows better in IQ 16 software than IQ 16 optimizer itself.
IQ 16.0 SP11 PL20+
performance , REVERT_TO_V15_OPTIMIZER , "Nested Loop" , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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