You have a Freight Unit, where the difference between the acceptable pick-up date/time and acceptable arrival date/time is higher than the transit duration between the locations
For VSS Scheduling: Depending on the direction of the scheduling, it is expected to see the idle time at the source location or at the destination location. For example, you would like to use Backward scheduling. Based on this, the idle time is expected at the source location. However, the VSS provide a result, where the idle time is scheduled at the destination location and you would might get a result comparable to the one where forward scheduling was chosen.
For VSR Optimizer: The idle time is scheduled at the source location, though you would prefer it to be scheduled at the destination location.
How can the idle time scheduling be influenced?
- Is it possible to incluence it in Sales Order Scheduling (VRG)?
- SAP Transportation Management 9.x
- S/4HANA embedded TM
VSS VSR forward backward scheduling pick-up loading unloading waiting time idle-time , KBA , TM-PLN-SCH-OPT , Optimizer for Scheduling during Manual Planning , TM-PLN-VSR-OPT , Optimizer , Problem
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