When you run the Comprobante Fiscal Digital por Internet (RPCPAYMX_CFDI_MANAGER) report, a line with a deduction amount (a positive value) is displayed in the XML file, even though no deduction exists.
This happens when you have the following scenario:
- You have a payment that is completely exempt (exento).
- In the Results Table (RT), you have a wage type that represents only the exento (tax-exempt) amount. That is, the amount that corresponds to pagado (payment) does not exist in the payroll result.
- In the V_T596J table view (subapplication CFDP), you maintain only the wage type that represents exentos (tax-exempt amounts), with the key that ends in "E" (xxxE).
That means you do not maintain their respective pagados (payment), with the key that ends in "P" (xxxP).
Example of how this line is displayed in the XML:
<nomina12:Percepcion TipoPercepcion="005" ImporteGravado="0.00" ImporteExento="100.00"/>
<nomina12:Deduccion TipoDeduccion="029" Importe="100.00"/>
- Human Capital Management (HCM)
- SAP R/3
- SAP ERP Core Component
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
KBA , PY-MX , Mexico , PY-MX-CE , Concurrent Employment - Payroll Mexico , How To
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