According to the OData API guide:
“As of Q4 2019 Release, upsert operations on all MDF OData entities and MDF Foundation Objects can return business keys in the response if the keys are provided in the request. That includes both parent objects and child objects. This information helps you identify which record has been successfully upserted and which has failed.”.
However, you are performing an Upsert on Position entity, for example, and the business keys are not being returned in the response.
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SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
- OData API
odata, api, successfactors, success factors, sf, mdf, operation, inline, edit, upsert, change, update, no business keys, returned, response, result, key, blank, null , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-EC , Employee Central SFAPI & OData Entities , Problem
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