SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2955493 - Limit Purchase Order is still showing open in Invoice Entry Screen even Though it has been Manually Finished


You have created a limit purchase order and manually finished delivery and invoicing but it is still showing up as open for invoicing in Invoice entry screen.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Purchase requests and orders work center
  2. Create a new Purchase order for limit item
  3. Now create goods and service receipt for that item or
  4. Open the order and manually finish the delivery and invoicing both.
  5. The purchase order status is now Finished
  6. Go to Invoice entry-> All Orders to Be Invoiced screen
  7. The Purchase order limit item is still showing open for invoicing


Purchase order limit item is assigned to project task which has status as closed. Hence the system shows the purchase order limit item still open for invoicing.


Please release the associated project tasks to resolve this issue.


Limit Purchase Order open for invoicing, Project task closed , KBA , limit purchase order open for invoicing , manually finished limit po , AP-SIP-SIV , Supplier Invoice , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions