New Hire attachment upload error: The total file size exceeds the user size limit of XYZ kilobytes
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to: Add New Employee
- Upload an attachment
Error: The total file size exceeds the user size limit of XYZ kilobytes
Even though is a new user and the file size is less than what is defined in Company System and Logo Settings > Attachment user limit, if the file uploaded exceed the attachment user limit of logged user, the error message will be triggered.
It is expected that the 'Attachment user limit' check the user logged and not the user being added.
Increase the 'Attachment user limit' in 'Company System and Logo Settings'
See Also
2272521 - The file size exceeds the maximum file size limit of 5000 kilobytes or the file size is 0 - SuccessFactors
2460129 - Error: The file size exceeds the maximum file size limit - BizX
attachment, file, upload, error, exceeds the user size limit, INC0068981 , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-HIR , Hire & Rehire Wizards , Problem