You are trying to start SAP HANA and the start of one or more services fail with the following exception:
[0000]{-1}[-1/-1] 2020-08-07 10:05:03.570264 f topology Topology.cpp(00415) : assign failed with persistence startup error. exception 1: no.3000280 (DataAccess/impl/PersistenceManagerImpl.cpp:3197) TID: 19822
Missing log, recovery stopped at log pos 0x1f9fc6d42
exception throw location:
1: 0x00007fe53998b6ae in DataAccess::PersistenceManagerImpl::replayOrClearLog(bool, bool, bool, unsigned long&, unsigned long&)+0x65a at PersistenceManagerImpl.cpp:3197 (
2: 0x00007fe539983c7c in DataAccess::PersistenceManagerImpl::replayImpl(bool)+0x178 at PersistenceManagerImpl.cpp:4981 (
3: 0x00007fe53bd6d65e in PersistenceLayer::PersistenceSystem::start(NameServer::ServiceStartInfo const&, bool, bool)+0xa8a at PersistenceSystem.cpp:566 (
4: 0x00007fe53bd2638e in PersistenceLayer::PersistenceFactory::startPersistence(NameServer::ServiceStartInfo&, bool, bool, DataAccess::TablePreloadWriteCallback*, ltt::smartptr_handle<DataAccess::DisasterRecoveryPrimaryCallback>, DataAccess::DisasterRecoveryESCallback*)+0xba at PersistenceFactory.cpp:546 (
5: 0x00007fe55937f6f9 in PersistenceController::startup(PersistenceLayer::PERSISTENCE_MODE, NameServer::ServiceStartInfo*, bool, DataAccess::TablePreloadWriteCallback*, DataAccess::TablePreloadReadCallback*, Backup::RecoverCbc_Federation*)+0x5d5 at PersistenceController.cpp:721 (
stopping service...
SAP HANA, platform edition
SAP HANA, platform edition all versions
SAP HANA, platform edition, sap_hana, database, db, saphana, log area, redo, volumes, vol, disk, data, datavolume, startup fail, starting, starts, recovery, backup, restore , KBA , HAN-DB-PER , SAP HANA Database Persistence , HAN-DB-ENG , SAP HANA DB Engines , Problem
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